It's Official!!

I was beginning to think I would never be an official graduate of Drexel University. However, just when I was beginning to give up, it came!! What is it you ask? My DIPLOMA!!

Book Review: The Iron Daughter

The Iron Daughter
Julie Kagawa

July 23rd

Having read The Iron King awhile ago, I keep meaning to come back to book #2 of the Iron Fey series and haven't had time. Until now! What I liked about book one: I loved the characters, I felt connected to them; Robbie/Robin/Puck is funny and fantastic; Meghan is strong and smart. What I didn't like, why is she falling in love with Ash when Robbie is so much the better choice (and I'm pretty sure he loves her back already!). Okay, that's enough recap, here is what I think so far:

The thing about a YA series book is that there tends to be no recap at the beginning to remind me of where we left off, so I actually read the first chapter twice to figure out what was going on and to remind myself who was who. Now, I'm not very far into the book, but Ash has already made her cry. Considering how much I "love" him already, this was not helping his cause any (even if I can assume why he did it). I can't quite feel the danger of the situation yet, but I am sure I will soon. She is a Summer Fey in the Winter Fey castle because she made an oath. At least the girl stands by her word.

July 27th

I feel a little neglectful. Not because I haven't been posting, but because I haven't been reading :( The book is good though. Poor Meghan with the "Ash drama of it all". Then Ash's brother has to be a giant jerk and give her that truth mushroom that nearly kills her. Glad things like "truth mushrooms" don't exist in real life, just to be on the safe side I don't eat mushrooms.

I'm only on the page 45 (I know, neglectful) and Ash has already been totally mean to Meghan twice ... to the point of breaking her heart. I realize he is a Winter Fey and things might be impossible between them, but he doesn't have to be such a jerk about it. 

Musing Monday ... I wish it were Sunday

Okay, it isn't Monday yet, but after a lovely weekend of reading, organizing, and obsessing over children's programing ideas via pinterest, I don't want to go back to work in a few hours (okay, it is 12 hours from now, but still).

Something horrible happened today. As I was leaving Target, I was suddenly craving fried chicken (that isn't the stocking part), but when I drove through KFC real quick on my way home, they were out of biscuits. How does KFC run out of biscuits? That is like McDonalds running out of fries. Heavy Sigh.

Here are musings for your enjoyment!

baby elephant, ocean, water, so cute
Baby Elephant playing in the ocean, not book related, but SOOO cute!

This library is pretty awesome ... so is Harper Lee

Unplanned Harper Lee theme - love this!

Why Not?

Books make me happy and I like to share that with you. We can all smell like the library :)

Follow your heart and your soul, but use your brain too!

I'm on my second childhood, my life is so much better this way (except during this childhood I can drive)

Grow up, but not old.

Audrey Hepburn said, "I like Fairy Tales best" and Albert Einstein said that, "if you want your children to be smart, read them fairy tales"

These are such beautiful copies of these great books!

Most of these came from one of my favorite Tumblrs ... I Heart Classics ... the rest are ones I've had saved on my computer for a rainy day and I do not remember where I got them :( However, I know that I don't own theme and didn't create them. Enjoy!

Movie Review: Jane Austen Book Club

It's A Movie Review

I know that this blog isn't so much about movies, but this one was too fabulous to pass up telling everyone about it. Plus, it is all about how reading Austen changes these women's lives for the better, so it is book based :) (and I borrowed it from the library, so that applies as well). 

The Jane Austen Book Club

The Jane Austen Book Club Movie Poster

Explores Austen's adage that general incivility is at love's essence. Sylvia's husband dumps her for another woman, so Bernadette and Jocelyn organize a book club to distract her. They recruit Sylvia's daughter Allegra; Prudie, a young teacher whose marriage may be on the rocks; and Grigg, a sci-fi fan who joins out of attraction to Jocelyn. The six read and discuss one Austen novel per month. Jocelyn tries to interest Grigg in Sylvia; Allegra falls in love with a woman she meets skydiving; Prudie contemplates an affair with a student; Sylvia's ex keeps popping up. In the discussions, characters reveal themselves in their comments. By the end, are truths universally acknowledged?

My Thoughts:

The movie came out in 2007 and I remember seeing something about it, but nothing too specific. I guess I overlooked it and wish I wouldn't have! This week, while on the bookmobile (have I mentioned it is my favorite work activity? Well, it is!), I saw this movie on the shelves and couldn't leave it behind. 

Each of these women are at a crossroads in their lives and feel trapped. A couple of them don't even really know they are stuck until they are set free! The begin by reading Emma and as they continue through the books (ending with Persuasion), they start to apply what Jane is teaching them to their lives. 

This movie is so sweet and I love a happy ending. Although not all of their lives tie up in neat little packages, they are all moving forward.

This has put me in a Jane mood! I must read the books and watch the movies stat!

I've just discovered that the movie is based on a book! I usually have such a strict rule about reading the book first, but alas, I didn't know. The book is written by Karen Jay Fowler and received a starred review from Booklist. It is rated as ages 18 and up, but I don't believe the book will have anything worse in it than any of the YA fiction I've read recently :)

There are some very astute reviews of the book on the Amazon page.

I have two questions for you:

What is your favorite Jane Austen book?

What is the best rendition of a Jane Austen book to film?

The Hunger Games is Coming!

In case you haven't been paying attention, I really like the Hunger Games!

Check out all of my Hunger Games Posts!

First is was ...

Hunger Games, #hungergamesdvd, Five weeks

Hunger Games, Gale, Katniss, #hungergamesdvd, four weeks

I think that this coming out deserves a showing party ... now what will I do for it?

Book Review: Chopsticks

by Jessica Anthony

July 19th

Such a speed read! This visually pleasing book is easy to speed through, but you'll want to go back more slowly and see what you've missed. Beautiful and confusing (thus the reason you'll want to pay more attention while you read). Glory is a piano prodigy who is miserable as her father moves her all over the world to play for sold out audiences.
However, her love for Frank is what keeps her going ... that and mixing "their song" into her concerts. As things move on, what is real, what isn't?

My question as I finish the book ... who is real?

This book was book talked by a fellow Librarian (we heart you Miss Jeri) and she recommended the app that accompanies this book.

Lizz's Category: Interactive YA Novel

Best Age Group: 14-18
Rating: A-

This app is pretty awesome and gives the book so many added layers to the book. The additions of animation and music make this book so much better! I was a little disappointed to see that it hadn't gotten many great reviews, I just think that people were unsure what to expect and maybe thought it was a game. But if you like the book, or any interactive novels, you'll love this app. 

Sunday is for Library Musings

We haven't done any musings in awhile, so it is about time! All of today's musings BookRiot's Facebook Page (are you not following them yet? You totally need to, you get happy book pictures in your feed daily!) 

Take Me To Your Reader

I know some people who think this is the only way!

This is so interesting!

As a kiddo I wanted a library with a ladder ... I still don't have one, but someday!

That is how I feel here lately, I can't connect with any new books

Be Smart: Read

I love this ... maybe I could get a print for my living room!

The Nerd Quirk tumblr page is my FAVORITE!

Here's An App You Need

Attention all Music Junkies!!

You NEED this App :) 

It is my new favorite. I love how it suggests song lists for the time of day! So much fun, you'll love it. Seriously something for everyone! Grab it today :) 

Oh, and it's free so you really aren't going to loose anything in case for some reason (are you crazy?) you don't like it.

What is your favorite type of music? I don't like to listen to very much music while I'm reading, but I do love a great song! 

There are some great songs on the playlists for "studying" and I love the choices it gives for the morning (they are things like "Waking Up" and "Energy Boost".

You can even create your own play lists (can you say FREE?) and see what your friends are listening to.

It'll also update your Facebook page to show what you're listening to, which I like because I can see my awesome trendy friend's newest favorite bands before they even tell me about them!

Book Review: Across the Universe

Across the Universe
by Beth Revis

July 8th

Tonight I'm starting a new book (I know I'm reading "Beastly" right now, but I'm in a rut with it right now). 

I'm starting it while eating this delicious chocolate mug cake and relaxing :) What did you do today?

July 16th

So I finally really started the book ... I know it seemed like I started the book with the whole chocolate cake thing, but it wasn't really what happened (how do you eat cake and read at the same time?). 

Anywho, WOW is my comment! I love how this started. It is pretty visual, which I like, but so fast paced. I usually don't love when the chapters skip back and forth between two different characters, but I find myself loving both of them so much that I don't care if we leave one for the other.

My thoughts so far. I feel so badly for Amy. To be awake and having nightmares that whole time, it is horrifying. Then Elder has all the power, but doesn't get to use it. I love how he is so attracted to her red hair. So many books give me glimpses of "The Giver" and this one does as well. One person knows all of the answers (Eldest), but he isn't talking and the boy he is training is on a mission to find it all out! 

July 19th

Wow! This book sorta twisted my brain inside out (in a good way). You never know who should be trusted, what is really going on, what is the truth and what is a lie. The tag line of this book is, "What does it take to survive on a spaceship fueled by lies?" and it sums up this whole book! I loved it! The characters of Amy and Elder are brilliant and unique. I was only about half way through last night when I went to "read a little" before bed ... I ended up staying awake until 2:00am finishing! Once you got started figuring out one lie, you didn't want to put it down until you knew all of the answers.

Things I didn't like: It is sad to me that Amy is awake and her parents aren't. They didn't sum up the whole travel time issue (I'll leave it at that, as to not give anything away). Finally, there was a pretty disturbing near rape scene that made me feel sicky inside. Because of that, I would recommend this book for older teens. 

Overall this was a fantastic, unique read! Other than The Giver (that I already mentioned), there isn't another title to really compare it to. You must read it and tell me what you think. 

Check out lots of cool things about Godspeed (the ship) and more on the website for Across the Universe

There is a sequel that came out in January that I look forward to reading!!

Hey Readers!

Come join Lizz the Librarian's Book Club!

We will be discussing new YA books each week.

Want to join a book club but don't have the time (or there isn't a fun one near you)? Then this is just for you!! I've found that book clubs are either serious or silly and I don't really like either. This will be a fun place to talk about some great YA lit (and sometimes it might be controversial, popular, or awful).

It is a private group in Good Reads, so join following this link and say you read about it on my website!

Adding to my "To Read" List

Being a Librarian is a dangerous job!

Okay, don't laugh at me :) What I am saying is that my "To Read" list grows every day because I'm always finding great books out on the shelves. Today I got to go on the bookmobile, which is the highlight of my job, and I found three more books that have to be added. One day I'll get to them all!

Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick

I've actually read about half of this one today ... go check out my review at Mini-Lizz!

The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison

Beauty by Robin McKinley
I thought after reading Beastly, this one should probably be next!!

Okay, a tiny pride moment. Although I wasn't even there to see it, the Bookmobile got 3rd Place in the 4th of July Parade! So Awesome!

More of a side note, aren't those "ribbons" cute? Someone made them all, I'm going to have to try my hand at that!

Book Review: Beastly

by Alex Flinn

Beastly by Alex Flinn

July 5th

I love a good adaptation of a Fairy Tale! This is Beauty and the Beast set in modern day New York. The story begins with "The Beast" in a chat room for people who are "special". You know, who have had curses brought down upon them and changed their lives forever - a chat room for the fairy tale characters. I haven't gotten very far just yet, but you know I'll keep you updated :)