Adding to my "To Read" List

Being a Librarian is a dangerous job!

Okay, don't laugh at me :) What I am saying is that my "To Read" list grows every day because I'm always finding great books out on the shelves. Today I got to go on the bookmobile, which is the highlight of my job, and I found three more books that have to be added. One day I'll get to them all!

Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick

I've actually read about half of this one today ... go check out my review at Mini-Lizz!

The Princess and the Bear by Mette Ivie Harrison

Beauty by Robin McKinley
I thought after reading Beastly, this one should probably be next!!

Okay, a tiny pride moment. Although I wasn't even there to see it, the Bookmobile got 3rd Place in the 4th of July Parade! So Awesome!

More of a side note, aren't those "ribbons" cute? Someone made them all, I'm going to have to try my hand at that!