Warm Up with a Good Book

Today is one of those days that I want to curl up on the heater vent and read a good book while drinking hot cocoa. It has been in the 60s and had only snowed once this season (my sister's birthday was on December 8th and it was the first time EVER there wasn't snow on her big day) - until this cold snap.

I think they call it a cold snap because your nose feels like it is going to snap right off in the cold outside. It is currently 2:00 in the afternoon and is a grand 17 degrees outside. Lovely, simply lovely.

I live three blocks from work ... I drove to the library today. Pathetic.

Anyway, since it is a winter weather reading kind of day ... what are you reading? I'm nearly finished with Incarnate and then I'm not sure what to start next - do I re-read a classic in front of the fire, or should I pull out something new. Suggestions?

What are your favorite winter reads or What great books are you reading right now?